2024 Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report

Is your General Aviation (GA) Airport ready for anything? The C&S Companies Team was proud to support the Cadmus Group in the development of this Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with Aviation Planning teammates Kim Fabend, Danielle Buehler, Joni Steigerwald, and Mia Held providing expertise on General Aviation Airports and their implementation of resilience across a wide variety of shocks and stressors from climate impacts to financial, safety, and operational challenges.
The C&S team provided resilience best practice, research, and general support for the development of this ACRP report and developed tangible tools that all General Aviation airports can use to enhance their resilience. Deputy Principal Investigator, Kim Fabend and team member, Mia Held, were responsible for the development of the outreach plan which included a survey, conducting interviews, and identifying case studies for documentation. In addition, the C&S Companies Team supported the development and piloting of tools and guidelines with airports to ensure their usefulness and applicability to a wide-range of GA Airports across all FAA regions and a wide spectrum of resilience impacts and challenges.