Insights: Navigating the BridgeNY Process

BridgeNY Project: Matteson St. over Canadaway Creek
BridgeNY Project: Matteson St. over Canadaway Creek

New York’s BridgeNY Program is primed for unprecedented funding levels and a new approach to rehabilitating local bridges and culverts. In years past, the process has been very competitive across local governments in the State, and has created opportunity for the Federal Government to fund a large share of local infrastructure. The process is changing this year and while the competitive approach is diminishing, the total dollar value will be increasing. The five-year program will approach $1 billion dollars, or $200 million per year for a five-year cycle. Over the next five years, New York’s local municipalities will see an estimated $750 million investment in deficient bridges and $250 million investment in troubled culverts. The funding dollars will continue to be allocated in a share ratio of 95% Federal and 5% State per bridge project. Assuming culverts follow the same funding protocol as in past years, they will be 100% State per culvert project.

BridgeNY Project: Upton Rd. over Bowen Creek
BridgeNY Project: Upton Rd. over Bowen Creek

Going forward, local bridge and culvert owners throughout the state will receive an allocated pool of funds pro-rated using a formula based on structural condition and total bridge deck area per county. The dedicated county share will be managed by the local metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and by New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) in rural areas that are outside of MPO jurisdiction. The “call” for projects will allow each County/City/Town/Village to prioritize their project requests and submit their most critical projects. Each local bridge or culvert owner will be allowed three bridge applications per sponsor and two culvert applications per sponsor. The Applications will follow more of a regional planning review process with the local MPO’s.

How can C&S help?

C&S has a long history in the bridge and culvert design/construction space, especially in New York. To date, we have completed more than 45 BridgeNY projects with a strong record of sponsor reimbursement.

Frank Menton headshot
Frank Mento, PE

C&S assists municipalities by providing the following services:

  • Preparing BridgeNY applications
  • Assessing bridge and culvert inventory and prioritizing project opportunities
  • Researching and organizing the critical factors necessary to evaluate each bridge or culvert
  • Performing field work as necessary to support the application process
  • Preparing cost estimates
  • Submitting and tracking the application in partnership with the local sponsor
  • Providing design and construction inspection services to satisfy the Federal/State requirements and allow for reimbursement

For further information, please contact Frank M. Mento, PE at (315) 455-2000 or

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