Michael Hotaling Co-authors Scenario Planning Article in Journal of Airport Management

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Uncertainty demands a nimble approach to preparing for future conditions that are nearly impossible to forecast. Traditional airport planning vehicles such as master plans, strategic and business plans have long been the tools utilized by industry leaders to determine financial needs, identification of the physical infrastructure necessary to accommodate demand as well as the human capital and tactics required for a high-performance organization. Traditional planning methods remain useful, valuable tools and serve a specific purpose to organize the efforts of an airport organization in preparation for future conditions that can be reasonably predicted in a singular forecast or a range of forecasts. Scenario planning, in contrast, imagines a much broader range of futures than the typical forecast models are able to consider in traditional planning exercises.

C&S’s Michael Hotaling recently co-authored an article with Kevin Bumen of San Francisco International Airport on how airports can use scenario planning to imagine numerous contrasting futures to drive better decision making.

The article appears in the Vol 16, No 2. issue of Journal of Airport Management, which is published by Henry Stewart Publications.

Read the full article here.

Michael Hotaling can be contacted at mhotaling@cscos.com or (619) 296-9373.

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